Bliana Chap 02 Internet
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Bliana Chap 02 Internet - Presentation Transcript
Chapter 2: The Internet and World Wide Web
Prepared by:Bliana Muhammad Halime
Started by Pentagon’s Advanced Research Program Agency(ARPA) by US Department of Defense.
It allowed scientist to share information at different locations and projects to function even if part of network is disabled.
Original ARPANET consist 4 computers in 4 universities that served as a host on the network.
Evolution of Internet
National Science Foundation (NSF) uses it huge network of 5 supercomputers to connect (NSFNET) with ARPANET. Known as Internet.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets standards and guidelines in contributing to the growth of the web.
NSFNET is replaced by companies that provide networks to handle internet traffic.
Internet 2- develop and test advanced network that will benefit internet users in short term future.
Cable Internet Service
DSL ( Digital Service Line)
Fiber to the Premises
Fixed wireless
Cellular radio network
Satellite internet service
Connecting to the Internet
Differences betw dial up and broadband internet connections.
Requires modem that is connected to computers and land line
Connects to internet via phone line
Slower speed technology
Access through cable television network, regular telephone lines and fiber optic cable.
Does not requires modem for every computers( a modem acts as ports and hotspot).
Connects to internet via radio signal and satellite signals.
High speed technology
Access through wireless ports, router etc.
Access Providers
Internet Service Provider
Online Service Provider
Is a regional or national service provider.
Regional- provides access to a specific geographic area.
National- provides access to cities and towns nationwide.
For dial up access- some offers both local and toll free telephone numbers.
Has members only features. E.g. AOL and MSN.
Provides gateway functionality to Internet.
Provides free access to Internet
Uniquely identifies computer that are connected to the internet.
Relies on IP add to identifies and send data to specific locations.
Internet Protocol Address- consist of four different group of numbers, each separated by a period.
E.g or
Domain name is text version of IP add.
Purpose of an IP address and domain name.
Web Browser- application software that allows users to access and view Web pages.
Components of web address
-link(hyperlink) built in connection to web
-URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or web
Purpose of a web browser and the components of a web address.
Enter a word or phrase.
The results is called searched query.
Each word is known as keywords.
The search engine displays the number of hits. (in a form of a list)
Subject directory classifies the topics that u searched.
By clicking at it, it will link you to the web page.
How do u use a search engine?
Online social network
Web application.
What are the types of websites?
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